Amsai Gensan Moving-Up, Graduation & Recognition Ceremony S.Y. 2022- 2023

On June 23, 2023, the entire community of Amsai Gensan Preschool-Elementary School came together to celebrate the Moving-Up, Graduation, and Recognition Ceremony for the School Year 2022-2023. The event took place at Vezanra, General Santos, and was graced by the distinguished presence of our honorable guest speakers: Hon. Lorelie G. Pacquiao the Mayor of General Santos City and Ma’am Juliet F. Lastimosa, the Chief of Curriculum at the School Division of General Santos City. This occasion marked a significant milestone in the journey of our students and teachers, commemorating their hard work and achievements throughout the year.

In Mayor Pacquiao’s message, she encouraged students to study diligently and to continue attentively following the guidance of their teachers and parents. The mayor also assured that the local government unit (LGU) will dedicate significant efforts towards establishing a foundation of “Clean Government, Fast Development.”

The graduates are performing their doxology, oath and prayer.

Didi Ananda Chittprabha congratulated and encouraged the students to continue learning in order to create a brighter future.

Words of thank from our graduates to Mayor Pacquiao.

A meaningful message was delivered by the Chief of Curriculum, Ma’am Juliet F. Lastimosa, who also distributed certificates to the graduates.

Finally, a vote of thanks message was delivered by Didi Ananda Mahasveta, the school administrator, to formally conclude the ceremony. She also congratulated all the graduates. In her message, she emphasized that this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning. Many exciting things await them, waiting to be discovered in the mornings of their future.