School Policy

School Uniform

  • School uniform is based on the science of the psycho-spiritual effects of color. The founder of Ananda Marga, P. R. Sarkar, recommended the use of red and black.
  • Red represents the color of the activity. A child is naturally active but there is a tendency to be too active. It is difficult for a child to sit and concentrate on a given activity. So to help balance the child’s mind we let the child wear black with active red.
  • Black represents static, stagnant, or non-movement. The combination of the two colors will give a perfect blending of the child’s personality.

School Diet

  • We request parents to provide simple lunches following the school’s vegetarian policy.
  • The school follows a ‘sentient diet’ which includes fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, and dairy and excludes meat, fish, chicken, eggs, onions, garlic, and mushrooms.

School Seal & Logo

  • The triangle pointing upwards symbolizes knowledge and action (energy) in the external world (physico-psychic existence). Through proper knowledge and action, one gets to liberate oneself from the fetters and limited capacities of the human mind. One’s higher truth (that is, being a part and parcel of the universal consciousness) is revealed and realized, thus, enabling one to attain his highest and truest potentials. Attaining this is the only true victory.